Sales Cloud Quickstart: Budget Conscious Start with Salesforce
What are QuickStart Projects?
One of the most common implementation projects we manage for our clientele at SMBHD is called a Sales Cloud QuickStart or a modified Sales Cloud QuickStart project. The biggest difference between these two projects is that one is a Fixed Fee project (the QuickStart), while the other is billed as a Time & Materials (T&M) project (the modified QuickStart).
FIXED FEE: A Fixed Fee project is exactly what it sounds like, the price of the project is fixed within the Statement-of-Work (SOW), and any non-client driven overages needed to complete the project are covered by SMBHD gratis hours. This protects the client in that the price is fixed (cost certainty), so long as they do not cause any significant cost overages for the project by having delays in delivering assets, testing, etc. On the flip side, it can significantly benefit SMBHD if we are able to manage the project super-efficiently and keeping the total effort needed to complete the project low. This gives SMBHD an opportunity to significantly increase profit margins on the project.
TIME & MATERIALS: A Time & Materials (T&M) project is where the price of the project had to be high-level estimated within the Statement-of-Work (SOW) because there is still a lack of clarity by both SMBHD and the client as to what the final solution will actually look like and what it will do when the project is finally completed. This includes things like sales / lead processes, objects, automations, integrations, branding, etc.
Let’s explore these two types of Sales Cloud Quickstart projects in a little more detail:
In both scenarios, it is quite common for the process to start with Salesforce corporate. Salesforce typically hosts some form of demonstration on their client relevant products (Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Community Cloud, etc.), then narrow their recommendation down to the products and solutions that make the most sense for the client’s needs. If a client is budget conscious or just wants to get started and use a “crawl-walk-run” strategy, a QuickStart is usually recommended by Salesforce.
In terms of the sales process, this is typically where SMBHD steps into the picture. Because SMBHD is a long-term Silver Partner with Salesforce, we are introduced to potential new clients every week. Now if the project was already defined as a traditional QuickStart project by Salesforce, the conversations between SMBHD typically revolve around fit between the two organization (do our working styles mesh?, do I like the SMBHD salesperson?, etc.). If the cultural fit is deemed to be there, the client signs the Statement-of-Work (SOW) and the project gets handed off to a SMBHD Project Manager. It’s important to note that a QuickStart is Fixed Fee, so the solution being implemented is very templated and provide basic configuration and training.
So how does a Sales Cloud QuickStart become a modified QuickStart converting the project into a Time & Materials (T&M) project?
This occurs when the client wants everything within the template QuickStart solution, but a templated solution does not cover all the needs the client has for their initial Salesforce Go-Live. Because this requires additional discovery, analysis, design, and build, this is not templated solution; so the project must convert to a Time & Materials (T&M) to ensure the client gets exactly what they want and SMBHD is compensated for the resources allocated to the project.
Both types of projects can really ignite a sales and productivity spike for your organization; it’s just a matter of which project type best meets your exact needs. I hope this gives you a better sense of how a QuickStart project can benefit you and when it makes sense to sign up for a modified QuickStart.